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Improving Kentucky Homes
A federal initiative, the Inflation Reduction Act, established a Home Energy Rebate program that hardworking Kentucky families may be eligible to access. The program includes pathways for appliance upgrades and whole home projects like wiring and insulation improvements.
The Kentucky Home Energy Rebates Program will be administered through the Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet (EEC) Office of Energy Policy (OEP) via an agreement with the U.S. Department of Energy. For more information about the Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet (EEC) Office of Energy Policy (OEP) and its Energy Programs, please visit their website here.
The goal of the Kentucky Home Energy Rebates Program will be to assist households and families needing extra support for home improvements.
The Kentucky Home Energy Rebates Program will provide rebates for energy efficiency improvements within an entire home. Eligible improvements may include a combination of energy saving measures such as appliance and HVAC system upgrades, adding insulation, air sealing, and associated electrical panel and/or wiring upgrades. The intent is to encourage the adoption of allowable qualifying efficiency measures that consume less energy and are more cost-effective over time. The program will also be developing a network of qualified contractors that will support Kentucky based businesses in communities across the state – Kentucky homes improved by Kentucky qualified contractors.
The Kentucky Home Energy Rebates Program champions Governor Beshear’s Better Kentucky Plan:
- Improving Kentucky’s housing infrastructure and quality of life by reducing the energy burden for our most vulnerable citizens.
- Creating jobs and economic development through energy efficiency and contractor training programs.
- Rebuilding more energy-efficient post-disaster housing.
- Creating more resilient communities through housing improvements.
Please be aware that the Kentucky Home Energy Rebates Program is not yet accepting rebate applications. As a result, residents of Kentucky might consider waiting until the Program is operational before performing non-essential or non-emergency home improvements. The target date to begin funding rebate requests is spring 2025.
Rebate applications
Before Kentucky Home Energy Rebates Program opens for rebate requests, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) must approve Kentucky’s program application and plans.
The progress tracker below outlines the required steps that Kentucky has to complete before launching the Kentucky Home Energy Rebates Program. The progress tracker will be updated as each step is completed.
To stay up to date on the latest developments, please sign up for email updates now.
Kentucky Home Energy Rebates Program Status Tracker
Please check the program status below and be on the look out for regular updates.
Kentucky Home Energy Rebates Program Status Tracker
Please check the program status below and be on the look out for regular updates.
Step 1
Stakeholder Engagement & Application Development
The Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet (EEC) Office of Energy Policy (OEP) gathers feedback from the public and other stakeholders to inform development of the required DOE plans and application.
Step 2
Application & Plan Submission
The final plan is submitted to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) for review and approval.
Step 3
Application & Plan Approval
The DOE informs of application and plan approval.
Step 4
DOE Funds Received
The DOE transfers funds to the EEC-OEP to support rebate distribution to eligible households.
Step 5
Application Portal Open
The application portal will be available for households to apply for home energy rebates following DOE approval and receipt of funds.